Color Coded

I have what some people might call perfectionist tendencies. I like order, structure, and balance. If it can't be done right, why bother...but once you get in the habit, it becomes so much easier and you don't even think twice about always doing it.

If you don't know already by reading my posts, I am a Realtor...and I absolutely LOVE it! I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing than meeting people that want my assistance in buying or selling homes! Which brings me to my thoughts today...

I am in a lot of homes...see a lot of decorating styles...see a lot of different things. While showing homes a number of years ago, I noticed how organized and big a closet was. Much to my amazement, it wasn't that big, it just looked big because of the color coding! It's really quite simple. Start with your white clothes. Tank tops, sleeveless shirts, t-shirts, short sleeve w/ collars, long sleeve t-shirts, long sleeve w/ get the idea. Do each color. Mostly white shirts but with prints, put them in where they belong and so on.

I have kept my own closet this way since. Each time I put clothes away they just slide in where they belong and I always know whether or not something is clean and it is SO much easier in the morning getting ready!

It's like staging your closet to sell as well. Use like colored plastic hangers to keep the neat & tidy look. If you haven't gotten to the closets yet, put it on your list of items to do before you decide to sell your home. It makes my job so much easier and I'll know where you got the idea from!


My parents are moving again which reminded me of when they moved 5 years ago after being in my childhood home for more than 30 years. Thus, the question: How do you go thru all the stuff you have accumulated for 20-30 years and not get overwhelmed?

At that time, they lived in a ranch style home with a basement. We knew it would take time to go thru everything, so since they thought it would be a year before they moved, I suggested we divide the house into 12 rooms, that way they had a month on each room and only that room would be in an upheaval. They needed a system, so it was "Keep", "Donate", "Pitch", or see if the kids want it.

The goal was set: move in a year. The plan was made: work only one room at a time so as to not get overwhelmed. The system was in place: keep it, donate it, or pitch it.

Little did I know, how I helped my parents, who are now in their 70's, would be the exact "idea" I would assist my clients with who are either downsizing, moving into an Assisted Living Center, or nursing care. 

It can apply to anyone moving though. You don't have to wait to get so-called "Old" to do this. People move all the time, never going thru the boxes of old tax returns, credit reports, or even old magazines...just moving it with them.

In all reality, we keep more than we ever need, buy more than we really need, and stash more than we'll ever see again! So before you dismiss the idea...the holidays are quickly approaching and you will be getting your decorations down from the attic. What are you bringing down, thinking you will put it up, but you don't. Get rid of it!

Happy Keeping! Happy Donating! Happy Pitching!

A Realtor's Home

Have you ever wondered what a Realtor's home would look like? Inside or outside? Do they keep it in "show" condition? Does the outside demonstrate the curb appeal that attracts buyers? While recently watering my flowers, I turned to look at my home...garage door open, and I just smiled. As a Realtor, I believe our homes, whether seen by our clients or not, are a reflection of ourselves. If your neighbors know you are a Realtor, or don't but just happen to see the signs in the garage, the mere fact that you care about your home might mean that you might care about them and what you do for a living.

The fact that we advertise with such enthusiasm the homes that we list, we market ourselves with great pride, and dress the part of the successful professional...should not our private lives also be a reflection of the career that we have chosen?

I believe we should always be thinking about what the public is seeing. The garage door that is rotten particle board on a Realtor's personal home, but also happens to be the Real Estate office? The unkept yard full of weeds that needs not only mowing, but a whole lot more. The front door that looks like only a dog lives there because of the paw prints and slobber? If the only people that come into our homes are family and friends, we should care even more!

When a Realtor's personal home is placed on the market, it should be a reflection of the passion in which they do the job, not just the fact that they can list their own home.

I want to be living proof of the passion I have for what I love to do! It's not just a job to me, it's a lifestyle! It's a choice to have my home, as well as my life, reflect the passion in which I live my life.