The Void:
It's that place in our lives where what we've been hanging onto
. . . clinging to for dear life . . . is stripped away.
It's that place in us where we let go of what we know,
what we think we know,
and what we want and surrender to the unknown.
It is the place of saying and meaning, 'I don't know.'
It means standing there with our hands empty for a while,
sometimes watching everything we wanted disappear;
our self image,
our definition of who we thought we should be,
the clones we've created of ourselves,
the people we thought we had to have,
the things we thought were so important to collect
and surround ourselves with,
the job we were certain was ours,
the place we thought we'd live in all our lives. . .
Surrender control to the supreme wisdom
and authority of God and to the Divine in your soul.
Step into the void with courage.
Learn to say, I don't know.
That's not blind faith.
It's pure faith that will allow God and your spirit
to lead you wherever your soul wants and needs to go.
Courtesy of my dear friend Bo Ann