Do you know the one reason people arrive late? They leave late. What I mean is; it is not the traffic, it is not the directions, it is not the last minute phone call, it is simply that they left late. In my experience most people arrive for business appointments late.
Being late tells me a few things about people:
They don't respect my time;
They are disorganized;
They are not someone I can rely on to keep a commitment.
Perfect example:
Several years ago a client of mine, who I won't name names, Doc, showed up 15 minutes early. He was sitting on the porch of the home we were about to view. I had to look at my watch to make sure I was on time because this had not happened to me. I was really put off since I thought the seller would have been offended by someone sitting on their porch...fortunately that was not the case.
As not to be "late" again...and as the joke would have it between us later...I showed up at our next time to view homes 30 minutes early! Oh the shock and joy on his face knowing I would not be outdone!
I have always been one to be on time or early since it upsets my whole day. How do you come across? Are you always late? Giving the impression that no one is important enough or you are more important than they? If so, let it be the "you" of the past.
Are you disorganized? Never able to find things when you need them? If so, let it be the "you" of the past.
Are you someone who doesn't make commitments because you know you will not be able to live up to them? If so, let it be the "you" of the past.
Let this be the New Year that you make the commitment to show others that you value their time. Let this be the year you are able to stick with a resolution that means something to others, respect for well as yourself...your time...your organization...your commitments!
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