Real Estate Corner…

      Q.    We Are Considering Purchasing A Home And Are Uneasy About The Negotiation Process.  Can You Help?

       A.     The goal of a positive real estate negotiation is to result in a win-win agreement.  This is an agreement where both the seller and buyer feel they have received an equitable deal. 

      Here are a few simple tips to help ensure that you negotiate fairly. 

  • First, make sure that you offer a fair price.  Nothing turns a seller off faster than a “low-ball” offer.  Likewise, don’t get into negotiations on a grossly overpriced home.  This can leave you feeling taken advantage of and exhausted.  Both the asking price and your offer should be based on current and factual comparable sales in the area. 

  • Second, always respect the priorities of your counterpart.  Try to identify the other side’s motivations.  Then, examine your own.  If some items prove to be a sticking point in negotiations, offer to meet half way.  This may require you to pay half of some expenses or modify your closing date, but in the end you will feel as if you have fairly compromised.  If you have addendums to your main agreement, it may be helpful to solidify the purchase agreement and then deal with the addendums later.

  • Finally, using a third party on your behalf will keep you focused and emotionally disconnected—resulting in a much better outcome.  Look for a CNE ~ Certified Negotiation Expert. I’ve made the art of successful negotiation the cornerstone of my business.  I work hard to understand the needs of both the seller and the buyer in the transaction, and can put these years of experience to work for you. 

If you are thinking of selling or buying soon,
be sure to interview your Real Estate Professional...
how do they overcome objections,
how do they negotiate.

If I can assist you further, please call me at 405-820-1740.

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