Is Your Real Estate Agent Getting You Maximum Exposure?

What can your real estate agent offer you?  That's the question you ought to be asking yourself these days.  With the huge shift in traditional marketing methods to the internet, and now social media/networking platforms online, it pays to do your homework before signing any contracts.

Although nearly 90% of buyers and sellers are turning to the internet for their real estate related needs, a depressingly lower amount of Realtors are actually taking the time to learn about online marketing strategies.  This can be detrimental to your exposure and/or finding the best deals possible.

Unfortunately, many agents and brokers are still stuck in the stone age of marketing, and refuse to accept change within their own industry.  Although traditional methods still hold some weight when advertising a home, you could be missing an enormous piece of the pie if you don't work with one that is also innovative and tech savvy.

Here is a List of Questions You Should Be Asking During an Interview:

1.     What types of social marketing do you employ? Let’s face it. If they aren't investing the time into building a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ following (or the host of other media available today), then there are literally hundreds of buyers and other professional contacts that are slipping right into the hands of their local competitors.

We are in the day and age of networking, and word travels at the speed of light.  So your agent should be promoting your home on all of the following platforms by building specific pages and listings for your property where buyers can instantly find you.  This will give you maximum exposure.

2.     How do you capture leads? On the other hand, not only is it important for your agent to network and promote your property online, but they also need to collect the necessary contact information from website visitors in order to do business with each prospect.

Your Realtor should have their own website with an active blog, in order to keep in constant contact with their audience.  By marketing on Craigslist, Google, Youtube, article directories, and any other medium available, your agent should be able to drive traffic back to their own sites.

Next, each person should be directed to some form of lead capture where they can enter their contact information for further updates on your listing.  This could also include using mobile marketing, which will allow people to offer their cell phone number in exchange for property details.  QR and/or text codes can be included on websites or even signage and postcards.

3.     How do you follow up with your leads? Finally, can you be certain that your agent will go to work for you?  Regardless of how many leads they may generate, if they do not have an effective follow up plan in place to build relationships and get buyers taking action, then your efforts could be wasted.

It is important that your agent spends the time to build effective email campaigns, submit updated blog posts and social media updates, and make direct phone calls to incubate each lead and ensure that action is taken while leads are still hot.

Also, can they provide strong evidence of quantifiable results with their real estate marketing campaigns, and are you confident in their ability to sell?  Do you see the potential of getting a head above the rest and truly taking advantage of all the resources that are available at your fingertips?

By carefully reviewing all of the above criteria before choosing an agent, you will be able to ensure that you are receiving the best attention and service possible.  If you are interested in setting up a time to review an in depth presentation on how we will put our comprehensive marketing strategies to work for you, please contact me today.  I truly believe you will not be disappointed!

Here are a few places you can find me:

Still curious? Google me: imrhonda19 or Rhonda Miller

How To Sell Your Home Fast!

Selling your home fast doesn’t have to be an impossible endeavor.  In fact, even in today’s market you can still command a very reasonable price on your home within 90 days or less.  And if you follow some proven steps outlined below, your turn around time could be much faster than expected.

There may be various reasons that you want to get your home off the market as quickly as possible, so the principles offered here can work in nearly every situation.  So let’s look at some basic strategies that you can implement today to gain the most favorable results:

Staging Your Home Properly

This is one area where it may make sense to hire professional help.  Regardless, do your homework and take the time to find out exactly what can be done to make your property more marketable.  For example, be sure to strip away any of that stuff on the walls being used as "decorations" that is personal.  Also, place something of interest in each room that draws buyers in.

Additionally, people want to be able to picture themselves living in your space and visualizing where their own possessions will go.  So you need to clear out space and remove clutter, especially from public areas and closet spaces.  In fact, it is said that at least  1/3 of your own items should be placed somewhere else other then the home you are trying to sell.  We're selling floor space, after all.

Finally, maximize the use of lighting and make sure the house is spotless.  Most importantly, this goes for the kitchen and bathroom spaces which tend to endure a lot of wear and tear.  Patch any areas that need touch ups with some spackle, paint and caulk.  

Cut That Price

If you’re in a situation where you are moving and want to be rid of your property ASAP, then consider starting your list price at about 10% below its estimated value.  It’s better to start a little lower up front if you want to attract the attention of buyers and get quick offers. It can even bring multiple offers that could net you that 10% more! Your home will get the traffic you need to sell quickly!

This can also work much more effectively then dropping the price incrementally overtime.  In fact, the latter can even be harmful, because it may create the perception that nobody wants your property.  So make your listing competitive and be ready to entertain some early offers.

Do Your Research

People like things in writing.  Therefore, spend a little extra money to get an appraisal and inspection ahead of time, which you can offer at each showing.  This will build confidence with your buyers, since you will be providing the hard facts up front and you will show there is nothing to hide.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can even include receipts and/or documentation of repairs done on the home, as well as any new appliances that may have been purchased.  Your agent may also want to include information and statistics on the neighborhood as well.

Hire A Real Estate Agent With Proven Results

Did you know that the top 10% of agents produce 90% of the results?  Therefore, why hire a Realtor that can’t follow through on their commitment to sell, especially when time matters most?  You need a team to work on your side that knows your market and can command the best price for your home in a short period.

Also, it is vital that your agent has expertise in marketing your home both with traditional methods and using online strategies for maximum exposure.  Because information travels so quickly on the internet, it is crucial that you have property tours, videos, listing information, etc. are submitted to all the top traffic producing sites.  This will attract a high amount of responses and will help the word to travel quickly. 

Let my marketing ability help you sell quickly. During our private consultation, I'll show you quantifiable results along with a comprehensive marketing process that has helped other homeowners just like you get the results they desired.  I look forward to earning your business!  


6 Ways to Improve Your Home's Value

When you’re getting ready to sell your property, you want to be able to get the best price possible for your home.  However, depending on how long you've lived at your current residence, it may require you to invest some time and money into improvements.

Many sellers may become wary of taking the necessary time to help spruce up their home’s appearance due to the cost associated with upgrades.  Yet, simple improvements to a property can make a big difference and won’t always cost thousands of dollars to accomplish. 

Here are some great ways to increase value and make the most impact:

1. Improve curb appeal:  You can achieve this in various ways.  You can simply fill in empty spaces and add some drought resistant plants or shrubs to your landscaping.  Or some flowers and potted plants near the front entrance can make a great first impression.  Adding a tree for additional shade and patching up a worn out lawn can work miracles to draw buyers in.

2. Space & Cleanliness:  There is nothing worse to a buyer than a cluttered or unclean home.  Take the time to remove unnecessary items from your closets, clean out the garage or carport, remove clutter or toys from the living areas, and make your floors shine!  Your home needs to be staged in such a way that your buyers can visualize themselves living there.  The way that you decorate your walls and ceilings will also affect how your buyers perceive open space.

3. Aim for an earthy appearance:  Many buyers appreciate materials and paint colors that tend to have more of an earthy appeal.  Each room will be different, so be sure to choose wisely.  Also, consider using ceramic tiles or wood flooring instead of carpets or linoleum.  Tiles in both the bathroom and/or kitchen could also make a huge difference.

4. Change outdated items: This can be as simple as replacing some old light and sink fixtures, doors, handles, or even windows.  These items can greatly impact the price of a home and don’t always require huge amounts of investment.  Additionally, maybe a new coat of paint or trim is all you need to fix up an otherwise “old” appearance.

5. Ask an expert:  Whether you need advice on decorating, how to improve energy efficiency, or would like to find some items that could use a little “TLC”, it could be worth a small one time investment to get another opinion.  This is a way to proactively make changes before you even consider listing your home.  And you may be able to even avoid bigger problems that could arise down the road.

6. Bathrooms & kitchen:  Finally, if you are able to make the extra investment, two areas that have the biggest impact on price are your bathrooms and kitchen.  Whether this requires replacing the floors, sinks, tubs, fixtures or appliances, there are many ways that you can astronomically boost your home’s appeal by making improvements to these two key areas.

Hopefully these tips prove to be helpful when the time comes for you to sell your home.  If you would like to receive an expert opinion from an experienced Realtor on how you can command top dollar for your property, be sure to contact me today.  Simply use the information provided below to schedule a free in home consultation today!

Text or Call me Direct: 405-820-1740

6 Easy Tips to Cut Back on Utility Costs

With rising utility costs and overall living expenses, people are looking for creative ideas on how to reduce spending. One of the major areas that can have a significant impact on your bottom line, long-term, is with heating, cooling and electric bills.

It's important to take strides whenever possible to help alleviate this financial burden.  I've devised a checklist of 6 items for you to review and determine where you can start cutting back expenses and improving efficiency in your home:

1.     Maintain your furnace and air conditioning units: This is one area homeowners tend to disregard. Yet, just like conducting routine repairs on your automobiles; it is just as important to keep up with these items as well.  It’s only necessary once per year!

In fact, the amount of money you can save in the long run by avoiding more significant maintenance hassles or losing a unit well before it’s time makes this step well worth it.  Additionally, you will maintain a higher efficiency and experience cleaner air too.

2.     Standby power: Did you know that many items around your house such as your TV, entertainment system, Wii, computer, microwave, etc. are constantly drawing electricity even when they are not powered on? 

In fact, items throughout your house such as these typically can account for approximately 10% of your total energy consumption!  Simply by having certain items plugged into a power cord that can be switched off when not in use may have a significant impact.

3.     Consider investing in a programmable thermostat: Installing one can be fairly inexpensive and is extremely useful for families that are always on the go!  Simply set the meter to fluctuate a few degrees during key timeframes, and the savings will really start to add up.

4.     Decrease your water heater’s temperature: By switching the temperature down to the lowest setting can impact your energy bills from 5-10%.  You will still have plenty of hot water and can enjoy some extra cost savings as well.

5.    Change you appliance settings: Many dishwashers, washers, and dryers have advanced settings that could also be increasing your utility bills. Consider turning off those extra bells and whistles such as the heated dry, automatic sensor settings, or wrinkle shield.  Also, you can wash with cold water and only do larger loads when necessary.

6.     Dimmer switches and motion detectors: Another tip is to replace your current fixtures or switches with these energy efficient alternatives.  You will be able to consume far less energy and your family will only use light when necessary.  Even if you don't install these items, get in the habit of shutting off the lights in any room that isn't occupied.

      By following these 6 simple steps, you will begin to save more money and consume fewer resourses. There are so may other ways that you can improve energy efficiency as well, so I encourage you to take the time to research what may be beneficial for you and your family. Be sure to bookmark this page for regular updates and other free real estate related tips.

How To Prepare Your Home For The Fall Season

It’s that time again!  The crisp cool air, countless beautiful shades of colors, and plenty of enjoyable evenings around the bonfire await us.  Yet, amidst all these great things, there are certain preparations that you need to be aware of when getting ready for the fall season as well.

As a homeowner, it’s important that you take certain steps in order to protect your home’s condition and also your wallet.  So here are 5 key areas that you ought to review over the upcoming weeks to be fully equipped for what lies ahead:

1. Routine furnace maintenance: Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment for your furnace.  While trying to juggle work obligations, kids, school, chores, and much more, this is one of those areas that can easily be overlooked.

But a couple hundred dollars now is much more reasonable than a few thousand later.  Keep your furnace in good working condition and make sure you’re prepared for the colder temperatures.

2. Clean off your roof: As the leaves begin to fall, it’s important that you protect your roof from unnecessary moisture.  Take the time to clean off any debris that builds up before the winter months and ensure that your roof is patched from any basic wear and tear. 

This will be especially vital when winter snow begins to accumulate.  Also, clear out your gutters and scan the area around your chimney as well.  If there seems to be any places where water could leak in than it may be time to call a professional.

3. Prepare Your Pipes: First of all, don’t forget to unscrew any hoses or nozzles attached to the outside faucets.  For those who are using underground sprinklers, take the time to push out any remaining water from the summer.  Also, cleaning your septic system may be beneficial before the temperatures hit freezing.

4. Basic Crack Repair & Landscape: For those who have minor sidewalk or concrete damage, now may be a good time to fill some of those areas with something like Quikrete to avoid further damage.  This can help to keep water and moisture out, especially once snow hits.  Also, make sure to clear out the areas around your house where leaves have fallen, and cut back any other trees or shrubbery.

5. Insulation & Energy Efficiency: This can be a huge money waster!  For those who are rarely at home and constantly on the run, you may want to consider investing in a programmable thermostat.  This can save you hundreds of dollars alone by cutting back on unnecessary energy costs.  Especially with the rise in most utilities costs, this should certainly be considered.

Also, are there areas around your windows, doors or elsewhere that may be allowing draughts to enter your home?  Consider either having these places sealed or maybe investing in some new materials.  Depending on how long you plan to live at your current residence, the cost could certainly be justified.

Hopefully you have found these 5 tips to be helpful & informative. If you need some assistance from someone in my rolodex that can assist you in any of these items, please feel free to email me so I can send them your way.

Foreclosure Property Purchasing Pitfalls

Due to the mortgage crisis our country has faced over the last several years, there are continually more and more foreclosure properties that are being put up for sale everywhere you turn.  Of course, this can be very tempting for homebuyers as people can sometimes get properties for 30% or even less on the dollar.

However, if you are considering a foreclosure property for your next purchase, there are some common pitfalls that you will need to avoid along the way to protect yourself and your future asset. 
Here are some areas to be aware of before making any serious offers:

1.     Avoid Making Emotional Offers: When you are planning on putting a bid down on a property, you need to be extremely confident with the home’s current condition, its true market value, and what will be needed to fully restore the property. 

Too many buyers will think that they found a slamming deal and fear that they will lose the home to another bidder.  So instead of taking the time to truly do their homework and complete the proper inspections and analysis, they can end up locking up a property for more than it’s actually worth.

2.    Estimate Neighborhood Values: Consider what other comparable properties are selling for and talk to a real estate professional who has a working knowledge of the area.  In fact, it’s a wise decision to thoroughly review these questions and any other recommendations your Realtor may make:

  • Is this neighborhood a desirable location and how are crime rates?
  • What schools would be available for my kids or future buyers?
  • Were there any other foreclosures or investor sales that could negatively affect the future value of my home?
  • How long do I plan on living there and how could that affect things?
  • What type of appreciation should I expect?

3.    Get Preapproved: Before you even start looking at homes, you must get preapproved on a mortgage in order to know exactly what you can afford.  Sadly, many buyers can miss out on some phenomenal deals or spend hours of wasted time because they avoid this step.  Show lenders that you are a serious buyer and have your financing in place!

4.     Get Professional Help: Not only should you seek the expertise and of an experienced Realtor, but you may also need guidance from a real estate attorney or financial consultant as well.  Each professional can ensure that you are making the right choices throughout the process and can protect you from any issues you may come across along the way.

Remember that there is a lot more than meets the eye when you are trying to buy a foreclosure property.  Negotiating with the banks, filling out paperwork properly, and undergoing all the necessary inspections can be a very detailed and tedious procedure. 

I encourage you to find someone you can trust that has years of experience assisting other clients buying foreclosures for their next home or investment property. 
Happy home and investment hunting!

You've heard the saying "You never get a second chance to make a great first impression"?  If you are selling your home, or will be shortly, you need to take that little saying to heart. Let me share with you my top staging mistakes to avoid in hopes that you'll apply what you've read today and be on your way to a successful sale!

Staging Mistake #1:  BAD MLS Photos

Did you know that over 85% of buyers are looking on the Internet first to find a home? First Impressions start here folks! How do your photos look?  I am amazed when working with sellers that have had their home on the market with another Realtor®  that they hadn’t even bothered to take a look at their pictures online, or that their Realtor®  didn’t even show them! I think it didn't even occur to them that this is a critical marketing tool that pulls those buyers in.

I see poor photos all the time. Blurry. Tilted. Dark. Cluttered. Busy. Boring. The worst is only seeing a small portion of the room. Buyer’s don’t care what the sellers BED looks like...what about the room? They want to see everything in the room in one shot.

GREAT PHOTOS are a must! Professional Photography makes all the difference in capturing buyers attention and getting them in the door. Great photos capture ALL of the room, have good color and clarity and show interesting angles of each room. Make sure YOU have at least 15 photos advertising YOUR home on the Internet/MLS.  Buyer's really want to see as much of the home as possible.

Staging Mistake #2:  Disappointing Curb Appeal

When selling your home, don't disappoint your buyer!  When they pull up to the front of your home, they carry with them their hopes and dreams that this home could be the one!  Shouldn't you do whatever you can to impress these buyers so they will want to come in for a closer look?

It's amazing how a freshly cut green lawn, trimmed trees, new mulch, shiny new fixtures, seasonal potted plants, and a fresh paint job on the front door can sing "Welcome Home" to your potential buyers. Doing these basics make all the difference! And don't forget a new “Welcome” mat and doorbell too. Believe it or not, these items get overlooked all the time.


Staging Mistake #3:  A Dirty, Cluttered House

 The way you live in your home and the way you sell your home are two completely different things.”  Sellers can throw up their hands and say, "But I have to still live here!"  so're house is not YOUR home anymore.  

When you put your home on the market, it became a PRODUCT. In order to sell a product, it has to be packaged beautifully so it sells! Buyers expect to see an immaculate home with no visible signs of dirt, dust or hair.

It's no different when you go on vacation and you've decided to stay at a very nice hotel. You expect that when you walk into your room that the bed is made to perfection, everything is sparkling clean and they've even left you a little something that says "Welcome", right?  What if you walked into the bathroom and you spotted hair in the sink and you couldn't tell if the towels were used or not?  We’d be calling the front desk and demanding a new room!  

Buyers are really no different. Dazzle them with a sparkling clean and clutter free home to buy!  Clear away all your clutter so that the selling features in each room are highlighted and your home becomes the STAR, not the people that currently live there.

Staging Mistake #4:  Making Your Buyers Feel Like A Guest

When we walk into someone else's home and look around, we see their family photos and decor, and it is apparent that this is "their" home. Their personality is in every room and even if you squeezed your eyes shut and tried really hard to imagine living there, you just couldn't do it.  Trying to imagine your stuff over all their stuff is just impossible to do. This is how potential buyers feel when they walk into a home that is full of family photos and taste specfic decor. They immediately feel like a GUEST in your home and this is one mistake you don't want to make!

That’s why it is so important to pack away your family photos and neutralize each room to appeal to a broad range of buyers. This also includes collections, religious items, personal awards and trophies, your family calendar and those fifty million magnets, invitations and "TO DO" lists from the refrigerator.

Don't forget your taste specfic decor as well. You may LOVE your kitchen bright yellow because it goes so well with your sunflower collection but it has got to be neutralized so buyers can SEE your kitchen with its 42" cabinets and corian countertops. They need to be able to visualize themselves cooking and entertaining in there!  

Staging Mistake #5:  Decor That Fails To Connect With Buyers

A homeowner has lived in their home for the past 15 years and the last time it was decorated was when they first moved in 1994. Outdated furniture and dried flower arrangements. Dated decor, empty rooms and random furniture pieces scattered throughout can make any house, no matter how nice the selling features, feel TIRED, DATED and OLD.

It’s amazing what a few key decorative items can do for a room too. You want buyers to have that same reaction...their eyes lighting up as they view the room… becoming more impressed as they tour the home.

One of the biggest misconceptions about staging is that you need tons of new furniture and decorative items to make your house look like a model home.  You can relax now when I tell you that it isn't true.

If you are living in your home while it is on the market, work with what you have, plus maybe a few new items with a minimum investment. That’s all you need. 

Consider working with a Professional Stager. They are experts at working with what you have using their creativity to re-purpose it and sometimes blending it with a few newer items. This gives older furniture and decor a fresh new look and feel. A few key accessories can make all the difference in highlighting a selling feature and breathing new life into a room!   Slipcovers, new pillows that pop color, updated lamps, a rug or some inexpensive window panels might be all that is needed to turn unimpressive decor into a fabulous new room that your buyers will love and connect to!

If your house is vacant or you have empty rooms because you never got around to buying that dining or living room set, you will want to consider options like renting furniture. Most Professional Stagers carry beautiful furnishings you can rent and will work within your budget.

Stage For A Successful Sale
Selling your home and getting it ready can be a pretty overwhelming task. That is stressful in and of itself. Did you know that working with a Professional Home Stager can take that stress away and let you focus on the other important things about your move like finding YOUR dream home?  They can create a staging plan for you that is unique to your property. You can have complete confidence in knowing that you will not be making any major staging mistakes with a Stager on your team while you sell your home!

If you would like a recommendation for staging your home,
please feel free to contact me: