What can your real estate agent offer you? That's the question you ought to be asking yourself these days. With the huge shift in traditional marketing methods to the internet, and now social media/networking platforms online, it pays to do your homework before signing any contracts.
Although nearly 90% of buyers and sellers are turning to the internet for their real estate related needs, a depressingly lower amount of Realtors are actually taking the time to learn about online marketing strategies. This can be detrimental to your exposure and/or finding the best deals possible.
Unfortunately, many agents and brokers are still stuck in the stone age of marketing, and refuse to accept change within their own industry. Although traditional methods still hold some weight when advertising a home, you could be missing an enormous piece of the pie if you don't work with one that is also innovative and tech savvy.
Here is a List of Questions You Should Be Asking During an Interview:
1. What types of social marketing do you employ? Let’s face it. If they aren't investing the time into building a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ following (or the host of other media available today), then there are literally hundreds of buyers and other professional contacts that are slipping right into the hands of their local competitors.
We are in the day and age of networking, and word travels at the speed of light. So your agent should be promoting your home on all of the following platforms by building specific pages and listings for your property where buyers can instantly find you. This will give you maximum exposure.
2. How do you capture leads? On the other hand, not only is it important for your agent to network and promote your property online, but they also need to collect the necessary contact information from website visitors in order to do business with each prospect.
Your Realtor should have their own website with an active blog, in order to keep in constant contact with their audience. By marketing on Craigslist, Google, Youtube, article directories, and any other medium available, your agent should be able to drive traffic back to their own sites.
Next, each person should be directed to some form of lead capture where they can enter their contact information for further updates on your listing. This could also include using mobile marketing, which will allow people to offer their cell phone number in exchange for property details. QR and/or text codes can be included on websites or even signage and postcards.
3. How do you follow up with your leads? Finally, can you be certain that your agent will go to work for you? Regardless of how many leads they may generate, if they do not have an effective follow up plan in place to build relationships and get buyers taking action, then your efforts could be wasted.
It is important that your agent spends the time to build effective email campaigns, submit updated blog posts and social media updates, and make direct phone calls to incubate each lead and ensure that action is taken while leads are still hot.
Also, can they provide strong evidence of quantifiable results with their real estate marketing campaigns, and are you confident in their ability to sell? Do you see the potential of getting a head above the rest and truly taking advantage of all the resources that are available at your fingertips?
By carefully reviewing all of the above criteria before choosing an agent, you will be able to ensure that you are receiving the best attention and service possible. If you are interested in setting up a time to review an in depth presentation on how we will put our comprehensive marketing strategies to work for you, please contact me today. I truly believe you will not be disappointed!
Here are a few places you can find me: